Sunday, January 13, 2008

I finally get the nerve to start blogging again...

It's almost like staring out at a fresh blanket of sparkling snow on the ground, and experiencing that reluctance one has at the thought of making the first few dirty footprints in it.

It has taken me a long while to get over the frustration of losing the years of writing on my old blog when it was shut down for unknown reasons. So after a few years of being an invisible lurker on everyone else's blogs, I decided it was probably time to start posting again. I've missed writing. So here it is - a blank slate where I will pick up again on chronicling my journey.

This is my last semester at Small College. Which means that I am on the brink of a whole lot of change as I continue my education, and am experiencing the tangle of apprehension, excitement, reluctance, and curiousity that comes along with most major transitions in our lives.

To those reading: welcome to my journey! Don't lurk (I know, it's a little hypocritical of me to say); I'd love to know who you are, and read your blog, if you have one.

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